Homeopathic Indications: ReFLUX is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to heartburn and esophageal reflux.
These statements are based upon traditional homeopathic practices. They have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration.
- Acetyl Coenzyme A (6X 8X)
- ATP (6X 8X)
- Nadidum (6X 8X)
- Arg Nit (6X 10X)
- Ipecac (6X 10X)
- Robinia (6X 10X )
- Sulphur (6X 10X)
- Origanum Vulgare (6X 10X 30X)
- Duodenum (8X)
- Esophagus (8X)
- Funiculus umbilicalis suis (8X)
- Stomach (8X)
- Nux Vom (8X 10X 30X)
- Coumarinum (8X 10X 30X 200X)
- Erythraea (10X 30X)
- Pepsinum (12X)
- Muriaticum Ac (6C 12C 30C 200C)
- Citricum Ac (6C 30C 200C)
- Formicum Acidum (6C 30C 200C)
- Sarcolacticum Ac (6C 30C 200C)
- Proteus (Morgani) (30C)